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The configuration software contains an easy to use interface that simplifies the creation of a recipe file. A recipe file can be uploaded or downloaded from the device at will and can be saved on a local PC for backup. This feature simplifies configuration of multiple devices that are performing the same tasks. The configuration software allows the user to demo the light on the fly using a single USB connection. Once the hardware and software are installed, run the Caron Engineering Smart Light configuration application. On the left side of the application interface there is a navigation bar containing the following 4 buttons:
- Light Demo: Configure modes for demonstration on a Smart Light connected by USB before creating a recipe.
- Recipe Editor: Create a recipe by creating modes. Connection settings and User color are also programmed here
- Connection: View information about the connected device and installed software. Recipes can be pushed to or pulled from the connected device as
- Information: Review the release notes or contact Caron Engineering for support through the CEI website.
Light Demo
The light demo section allows testing or demonstrating the available mode types directly on the connected light stack including setting a temporary user color for testing. This can be a valuable tool when brainstorming about the different custom modes before creating a recipe file. All parameters that are available when creating modes are available for testing in the light demo.
Using the Light Demo
To test a specific mode type in the light demo, select the desired mode from the tabs at the top of the screen. The body contents will change with respect to which tab is selected. Each option that is set in the body is outlined in purple. Configure the selected mode as desired and press the Push to Light button to test the configured mode. The Clear Light button clears the light stack (turns all light segments to the off color).