Mode Types
The Caron Engineering Smart Light accepts three different mode types:
- Segment
- Level
- Run light
The mode type determines how the Smart Light behaves. Each of the mode types are described in detail in the following sections.
Segment Mode
In Segment Mode, the light stack can be split into 1-5 separate segments. Each individual segment contains 3 different attributes that are configurable, including:
- Segment Color:7 options available- Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, White, User Color or Off
- Segment Status Indicator: 3 different segment status indicators - Solid, Blink, Flash
- Segment Blink Frequency (Only if using Blink status indicator): 5 different blink frequencies - Very Slow, Slow, Medium, Fast, Very Fast
Level Mode
In Level Mode, the light acts as though it is a progress bar. Most progress bars can only contain one color and can grow from empty to full. Level mode contains 2 different attributes that are configurable, including:
- Light Count: Accepts values from 0-20. The light can progress from top to bottom or bottom to top.
- Light Color: 7 options available- Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, White, User Color or Off
Run Light Mode
Run light mode allows a background color and a run color that streams in one direction on the light stack. Run Light mode contains 4 different attributes that are configurable, including:
- Run Segment Count: Number of segments of the run color. Accepts values 1-3.
- Back Color: 7 options available- Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, White, User Color or Off
- Run Color: 7 options available- Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, White, User Color or Off
- Run Speed: 5 speeds available- Very Slow, Slow, Medium, Fast, Very Fast