OnTakt: Reports

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Part of the OnTakt User Guide.

Reports allow you to run simple analyses of collected data from inside OnTakt.

Report types


Returns the total number of downtime blocks, their total length and value, and pie charts analyzing the total downtime by category and reason.

Downtime report.png


Counts the number of times each NC and TMAC alarm occurred on each machine selected, then calculates the amount of money TMAC saved as defined in cost savings estimation.

Example events report output for one day on one machine

Goal Status

Indicates whether each selected machine is expected to reach its part goal on the current day.


Ranks users by how many kudos their notes received during the selected time window.

Machine Runtime

Breaks down the total runtime on the machines during the selected time window by process.

Example machine runtime report output for a single machine

Machine Utilization

Creates state history charts for each of the selected machines across the selected interval broken down by the selected period.

Utilization report example output.png

Margin Report

Returns the following tables:

  • Daily machine earnings (DME): the number of parts expected, number of parts produced, expected profit, and actual profit per machine for each day in the selected time window, as well as the total profit for the day across all selected machines.
  • Rate per piece: the data used to calculate the values in the DME sheet. This can be set in the process editor.


In server version 4.8.10 and later:

Downloads a Microsoft Excel worksheet with the number of good and scrapped parts broken down by machine and program for each interval in the time range selected.

In server version 4.8.9 and earlier:

Counts up the total number of parts per-program produced on each selected machine during the selected time window.

Example parts report output for one machine in server version 4.8.9

Production Overview

Reports the total number of parts produced and the average cycle time per part for each day of the selected year for each selected machine.*

Example production overview report output

System Check

Reports the setup status of each machine and indicates and actions that need to be taken to get them to report data.

Tool Stock Remaining Time

Reports how long production can continue based on the stock of each inventory item that is currently in use.

Tool Usage

Reports the number of replacements expected vs. the number of replacements made for each tool that was replaced on the selected machines during the selected time window.

Tool Work

Charts the work done by the selected tool according to TMAC alongside its replacement history for the selected time range.

Tool work.png

Report options

OnTakt can collect a lot of data very quickly, and the report options allow you to pick out the data you need without downloading everything.


Generating a report requires that you select at least one machine.

The parts, programs, or events from selected machines will be included.

Date range

If you frequently export data, you may wish to only include data that was created after the last export. To do this, set the "From" date to the previous export date and the "To" date to the latest day you want to include.

Only parts and events created inside this range will be included in their export files.


For reports that support this option, data will be grouped into sections of this length between the selected start and end dates. The first group will start at the selected start date, and the last group may be shorter than the selected interval.


Select a single tool for the report. The list can be searched by tool name.