PC Application (HMI)

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Main Window

AutoComp uses a familiar Windows-based graphical user interface. The system supports either a touch-sensitive monitor or a standard keyboard and mouse.

The Main Window’s components are:

  • Title bar: Displays the machine name.
  • Tool bar: Displays the functions available to supervisor-level or operator-level users.
  • Run Screen: The Run Screen area is only filled with a Run Screen if a routine is loaded.

Note: When installing more than one AutoComp on a PC, each will have a different default machine name and icon in the title bar.

When AutoComp first starts (with no routine loaded), the Main Window appears as shown below (if the user is at supervisor level).

If the user is at operator level, most of the Main Window functions are not active and the tool bar appears as follows:

Main Window Tool Bar (Operator Level with No Routine Loaded)

The Main Window tool bar is always displayed, whether or not a routine is loaded.

When a routine is loaded, the large area below the tool bar (which is called the Run Screen) displays the run data. Routines can be unloaded or suspended using the Run Screen tool bar.

Main Window Tool Bar Functions

The Main Window tool bar displays different functions depending on whether it is set to supervisor or operator level. For more information

  • Supervisor Level users have access to the following buttons:
    • Edit Routines Button
    • Load Routine Button
    • Create Routine Button
    • Delete Routine Button
    • bout Button
    • Routine Path Button
    • Configuration Button
    • Help Button
    • View Log Button
  • Operator Level users are restricted to:
    • Load Routine Button
    • View Log Button
    • About Button
    • Help Button
    • Supervisor Level Button

All of the Main Window tool bar buttons are discussed below.

Edit Routines Button

This button opens a selection list box where an existing routine can be selected. Selecting a routine brings up the Routine Editor window, where dimension parameters are edited. The parameters include general parameters, compensation parameters, and machine parameters.

Tool compensation can be enabled for a dimension from the Routine Editor.

Note: To edit an active routine, use the Detail Chart.

Load Routine Button

This button opens a selection list box where an existing routine can be selected to load. This activates an existing compensation routine for actual gage compensation.

When a routine is loaded, a Run Screen is displayed within the Main Window and actual part measurement is enabled.

Routines are automatically loaded as gage data files are detected by AutoComp or by a CNC variable value if that functionality is enabled.

Note: A routine can be unloaded or suspended by pressing the Unload Routine or Suspend Routine button in the Run Screen.

Create Routine Button

Clicking this button allows the user to create a routine starting by naming the new routine.

After entering the name, the Part Routines window opens and a new tool compensation routine can be created.

Delete Routine Button

This button opens a selection list box where routines can be deleted. This removes the routine from the part routine directory.

About Button

The About button opens a window that provides AutoComp version information and Caron Engineering contact information.

AutoComp About Window

For information on CNC licensing, see Activating AutoComp Licensing.

Note: If you want your company's logo to appear at the bottom of the AutoComp About window, contact CEI.

Routine Path Button

This button allows the user to change the routine file path. This may be desirable if storage of routines in groups is desirable, or storage of routines on a network drive.

Note: This can only be done if no routine is loaded.

Configuration Button

This button opens the User Options window where user options can be set including security level and run-data management method.

The User Options window also includes the System Configuration button where system configuration parameters including setup/- production modes, system global compensation rules, and gage and CNC interface information can be set.

Help Button

The Help button supplies access AutoComp's online help, which is a windows help representation of the User’s Manual.

Note: The Help window and the panes of the window can be resized.

Note: The AutoComp documentation is also available as a .pdf document that can be printed or viewed online.

View Log Button

To view run time log file data, press the View Log button in the Main Window tool bar. The run time log file data are displayed in the Information Log window.

Information Log WIndow

Note: The View Log button will toggle between black "View Log" and red bold "System Error" text on any CNC communication or gage data error. If the error clears, "View Log" will remain as the text of the tool bar button.

Selection List Box

When editing, loading, or deleting an existing routine, first press the appropriate button in the Main Window tool bar.

A selection list dialog box appears, listing all the sources or routines in the part routines directory.

Selection List Box

Press the desired routine to select it and press OK.