HMI Functionality

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Revision as of 16:51, 30 August 2022 by Jordan (talk | contribs)

The TMAC HMI (Human-Machine Interface) is a browser-based interface that grants access to TMAC functionality (e.g. creation of jobs, diagnostic analysis, etc...). The TMAC HMI provides an instant visual representation of machine data. The HMI is supported on the following platforms:

  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari
  • TMAC Explorer

TMAC HMI: Features and Components

The TMAC HMI is a browser-based graphical user interface and is supported across a variety of devices. The HMI responds to either a touch-screen monitor or a keyboard and mouse. The TMAC HMI has several functions:

  • Graphically and numerically displays data from interfaced sensors and instances
  • Launch TMAC features such as the Job Editor, Data Viewer, Event Log, System Menu, and View Editor
  • Launch the View Editor
  • Toggle between Operation Modes
  • Reset the system, clearing any alarms

The HMI has the following components on the default screen:

  • TMAC Action Bar (1)
  • Live Graph(s) (2)
  • System Overview (3)
  • Channel Summary (4)
  • View Selection Bar (5)
  • TMAC Toolbar (6)

TMAC HMI Action Bar

The TMAC HMI Action Bar is a vertical menu located on the left side of the interface. The functionality is displayed below:

TMAC HMI Action Bar Functionality

TMAC HMI Graph Colors

On the live graph of the HMI, the graph background color is representative of the system state that is currently active in TMAC. These color backgrounds apply to Cutting Mode operations only.

System State Colors

Displaying Limits, Alarms and Events

The HMI graph displays limits, learned value, idle value, and various events on the live graph during cutting mode operations. Limits appear on the graph as dot- ted horizontal lines. The lines are color coded to indicate the limit type. Learned and idle values are also represented by horizontal dotted lines.

Work limits are represented differently than standard limits on the HMI. As a operation progresses, work is accumulated. Work limits are represented on the right side of the live graph by circular progress bars. As work accumulates, the progress bars fill one at a time until the cut is finished. The undercut bar fills first, followed by learned and wear progress bars. In addition to progress bars, the area on the live graph between the idle capture and signal value is filled with a color representing the work values (blue for undercut work, green for learned work, and yellow for wear).

Events (such as alarms, resets, Monitor starts and Monitor stops) appear as vertical lines. Event lines are labeled on the graph.

The table below describes for how certain limits, alarms, and events are displayed on the HMI.

System State Colors

System and Channel Summary

The fields on the right side of the screen display system and channel information. The top half of the fields (System Summary) are dedicated to the TMAC instances in the System. For each instance the following information is displayed:

  • Machine Name
  • Active Job Name
  • Current Operation Mode
  • Current System State
  • Alarm Status

The bottom half of the fields (Channel Summary) is dedicated to configured channels in the system. For each channel, the following data is displayed:

  • Signal Value
  • Actual Value
  • Peak Value

Manipulating the Channel and System Summaries

The system and channel summary fields can be adjusted using the action bar found in the middle of the summary fields. Both the channel and system summary fields can be scrolled through using a mouse wheel or finger swipe. The action bar functionality is described below

Indicator Action Bar Functionality


The largest portion of the HMI is dedicated to the display of sensor channels in a graphical user interface. Up to four channels can be viewed at the same time, but this requires the creation of views. If no views have been previously created, the graph portion of the HMI offers the following two options:

  • Create View: Launches the view editor
  • Create Default Views: Automatically creates a view for each channel available to the TMAC instance

All existing views are located on the bottom portion of the HMI. Each existing view is represented by a button that, when clicked, switches the graphical inter- face to the selected view. Clicking the "..." button opens a menu that displays the following:

  • Current View: Name of the current view displayed at the top of the menu
  • Create New View: Launches the View Editor for the creation of a new view
  • Edit Current View: Launches the View Editor to edit the selected view
  • Delete Current View: Deletes the selected view
  • Delete All Views: Deletes all views that have been created

Using the View Editor

The View Editor allows the user to configure a visual representation of up to four channels in the TMAC system. When creating a new view, the default channel configuration is one channel. This field can be split and manipulated using the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. For descriptions of full toolbar functionality refer to the table below.

View Editor Toolbar

Once the desired configuration of channel fields has been created, the channel for each field can be selected by clicking the SELECT CHANNEL button in each field. Once the view is complete, click the SAVE AND EXIT button to make the view available in the HMI.

Setting a Default View

The View Editor allows a single view to be set as a default per instance. Setting a view as default does the following:

  • Default views are labeled with a star icon (See figure below). The background of the star label is the same color as the associated instance color.
  • Clicking on an instance listed in the System Summary instantly renders the default view for that instance in the HMI.

To set a view as default, open the view in the View Editor and perform the following steps

  1. Click the SET AS DEFAULT VIEW button
  2. Select an instance from the list to associate with the View
  3. Click SAVE AND EXIT.

TMAC Toolbar

  • The buttons of the TMAC Toolbar provide the following functionality:
  • Active Downloads (Cloud button): View active downloads in the TMAC Explorer
  • Alarm Message list (Bell button): View system alarms messages
  • Notifications (Message Box) : View system notifications
  • Refresh button: Refreshes the TMAC Explorer and HMI
  • Disconnect button (Arrow): Disconnects from the TMAC system and returns to the machine list in the TMAC Explorer (Explorer only)
  • Profile Sign-in: Sign in or switch profiles

Alarm Messages

When TMAC enters an alarm state, the HMI alerts the user with an alarm message. Alarm messages are accessible by clicking the Bell button on the TMAC toolbar. All active system alarms are listed and provide the following information:

Instance Name: Name of the TMAC instance associated with the alarm. l Alarm Name: Name of the triggered alarm

Alarm Description: Brief description of why the alarm was triggered.

Additionally, pressing the ALARM DEFINITIONS button opens a menu that lists all system alarms that TMAC can produce. Each menu item is expandable to display descriptions and corrective actions (if any) for each alarm.

Note: The alarm codes listed in the Alarm Definitions menu are also listed in the alarm tables


TMAC is capable of providing password protected user profiles that restrict access to certain features, functions and settings. By default, TMAC has the following user profiles:

  • Operator: Access to basic HMI functionality with restrictions to features and system settings
  • Supervisor: Wider access to features and settings
  • Integrator: Full access to features, settings and diagnostics. This level is used by TMAC system installers.

In addition to the default profiles, TMAC provides the ability to create customized profiles. Customized profiles allow specific functions and features to be restricted on an individual basis.

Changing Profiles

The active profile is displayed in the TMAC Toolbar. To change profiles, do the following:

  1. Click the Profile button on the HMI
  2. Select Change Profile
  3. Select the desired profile from the list
  4. If applicable, enter a password in the field
  5. Press Sign In

Note: Step two is bypassed when changing from the Operator profile to another profile. When changing profiles from any profile other than Operator, the user can also select Sign Out at step 2. Selecting Sign Out, changes the active profile to the Operator profile.

Resetting a Password

If a password is forgotten, contact CEI to request a temporary password reset code. Locate the TMAC serial number in the General tab of the System information window. The TCU hardware should also be labeled with the TMAC serial number. Once system information has been confirmed, CEI will respond with a password reset code.

Applying the Reset Code

Use the following steps to apply the password reset code:

  1. Click the Reset Password link
  2. Enter the reset code sent by CEI
  3. Enter the new password in the fields
  4. Click SUBMIT