OnTakt: Settings

From Knowledge Base
Revision as of 15:21, 22 February 2023 by Andy (talk | contribs)

Part of the OnTakt User Guide.

The settings window allows administrators to change how OnTakt behaves.

Defining shift times

Shift times are used to calculate daily goals for part production. If they are not set up correctly, daily goal lines will not be drawn or they will be drawn inaccurately. Shift times can also be overridden on a per-machine basis.

To set shift times:

  1. Navigate to the Options page by clicking the link in the top navigation bar.
  2. Enter the start and stop times for the shop.
  3. Click Save Changes.

Be sure the time zone (also available from the Options page) is set correctly before defining shift times. Once the time zone is set, click Save Changes before defining shift times.

Cost savings estimation

How much is TMAC saving you?

Use the Calculator button to determine the values for these fields.

In the calculator window, enter how much each event listed would cost you, as well as how frequently it happens. Click "Save calculations" to save your work for later and automatically copy the calculated totals into the alarm value fields.

For frequency, 1 means it always happens, 0 means it never happens, 0.5 means it happens in half of cycles, etc.

These values will be shown in reports based on how frequently TMAC alarms occur.

User management

To manage users: click on the user menu at the top right of OnTakt, open Options, and then switch to the Users tab on the left.

To change a user's password: click the Edit button next to that user and enter a new password.

To prevent a user from logging in without deleting their account: switch off the Active option in the user editor.

Access levels

Administrator Planner Shop Team Auditor
Alerts (Certain alert actions may not be available to all users)
View alerts
Perform system check
Dismiss alerts
Clear all alerts
View/chart machines
Modify basic machine options
Create machines
Modify machine system options
View/chart programs and processes
Edit/delete programs and processes
View tools
View tool assignments
Replace tools
Create tools
Edit tools
Delete tools
Add tools to tool assemblies
Assign tool assemblies to processes
View/chart parts
Edit parts
Delete parts
Edit events
Delete events
View/chart AutoComp data
Generate reports
Download CSV data exports
Modify options
Change passwords

Time zone

Changing the time zone affects the server's time-based actions, such as sending midnight notifications. Times displayed in the web interface will always be shown in the time zone of the client device (computer, phone, etc.).

Times are stored in the database using UTC, so changing the time zone will not change any other database entries, such as part or event times.

This also means that you may need to adjust the shift times. If your shift is currently 9:00am–6:00pm and the time zone is set to central time, changing the time zone to Eastern time will change the shift to 10:00am–6:00pm.

Notification setup

Slack Setup

This must be done by a workspace administrator.

  1. Go to https://api.slack.com/apps
  2. If prompted, sign in to the correct workspace
  3. Click the Create New App button at the top right
  4. Enter an app name ("OnTakt" works just fine) and choose the correct workspace, then click Create App
  5. Under "Add features and functionality", click Incoming Webhooks
  6. Turn on the switch at the top right to activate incoming webhooks
  7. For each channel you want OnTakt to post to:
    1. Click the Add New Webhook to Workspace button at the bottom
    2. In the page that opens, choose the channel you want to post to and click Allow
    3. Copy the Webhook URL from the list (make sure it's for the right channel)
    4. Paste this URL into the Slack Webhook URL field in the OnTakt machine settings page

To add or remove webhooks in the future:

  1. Go to https://api.slack.com/apps
  2. Click the name of the OnTakt app from the list
  3. Click Incoming Webhooks under Features in the left sidebar

If you would like the app to add an icon to the bot that posts messages:

  1. Go to https://api.slack.com/apps
  2. Click the name of the OnTakt app from the list
  3. Scroll down to Display Information
  4. You can choose any icon, but here is the OnTakt logo
  5. Click + Add App Icon under "App icon & preview" and choose the file

Microsoft Teams Setup

This must be done by a team administrator.

  1. Go to https://teams.microsoft.com/l/app/203a1e2c-26cc-47ca-83ae-be98f960b6b2
  2. Click the "Add to a team" button
  3. Search for the channel you want to send notifications to
  4. Click the "Set up a connector" button
  5. When the configuration page opens, enter any name, such as "OnTakt"
  6. You can choose any icon, but here is the OnTakt logo
  7. Click the "Create" button
  8. After the page reloads, scroll to the bottom and copy the URL it provides
  9. Click "Done"
  10. Paste this URL into the machine's Microsoft Teams Webhook URL field in OnTakt


The trashed objects list is part of the Audit Log.