MiConnect: Project Settings

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Revision as of 15:18, 16 September 2022 by Jordan (talk | contribs) (→‎Audit Log)

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The following menus are available on the project settings page

Project Settings

Project Details

  • Project Name: This is the file name for the currently loaded project. The project name generally describes the owner or purpose of the project.
  • Revision Count: The revision count is tied to the version history feature. When version history is enabled, MiConnect stores published versions of the project in a history log. The revision count represents the maximum number of project revisions that can be stored in the version history log. Once the maximum revision count is reached, MiConnect automatically deletes the oldest revision each time a new revision is amended to the version history.
Project Details


The attachments interface allows any documentation or other files pertinent to the MiConnect project to be added to the project for future reference. The interface can be used to add, delete or download files.


Version History

The following version information is displayed for the currently loaded project revision:

  • Time stamp: The date and time that the most current project revision was published
  • Revision: represents the revision number for the current revision
  • Author: The user that published the current project revision

Note: Additionally, a count of pending changes to the project is also displayed. Pending changes may be published or reverted to the most recent revision.

Selecting a revision from the version history log opens a window that displays version information for the selected revision. The project can be reverted to the selected revision or deleted. When a project is reverted to a previous revision, all subsequent revisions are lost.

Version History