Global Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters

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Part routines contain two kinds of parameters: Routine Parameters (also called global parameters) and Dimension Parameters. The information entered for a routine parameter is “global” because it applies to all the dimensions in a routine. Dimension parameters apply to a single dimension.

Global Routine Parameters

Routine parameters are “global” because they apply to all the dimensions in a routine. The routine parameters are available in the Routine Parameters tab.

Routine Editor’s Routine Parameters Tab

AutoLoad Routine Value

The AutoLoad Routine Value parameter is available with controls that allow AutoComp access to read/write variables (for example, Mazak, Focas, and Okuma P200/300 controls).

The value entered in this field works in conjunction with the System global parameters, Load Routine Variable and Load Routine Path.

Note: The Variable Path/Subsystem field set in the Routine Editor is for feedback variables.

If the Load Routine Variable is less than or equal to 0, this variable is ignored. In the following example, AutoComp is polling variable 100 on Subsystem A of an Okuma Control. AutoComp continuously polls the variable, watching for a value requesting a Load or Unload routine command.

Example 1:

Load Routine Variable

If the value of the variable (variable 100 in this case) is -1 and a routine is already loaded, the routine is unloaded (not suspended). Any routine subsequently loaded, either by a gage file or manually, will also be unloaded until the variable's value is no longer -1.

If the Load Routine Variable's value matches the Routine Editor's AutoLoad Routine Value, then the routine will be loaded if:

  • it is not already loaded.
  • it is not being edited (in which case it will be loaded as soon as the editor is closed).
  • the currently loaded routine is not in mid-cycle, or waiting for critical measurements for the cycle to complete (in which case, it will be loaded as soon as the cycle completes the currently loaded routine).

Example 2:

In this example, if variable 100 has the value equal to 1, then this routine will automatically be loaded.

AutoLoad Routine Value

The routine will continue to reload if manually unloaded or suspended (or suspended by a load of a gage data file for another routine) until the CNC variable value changes.

Units, Cpk, and Flyer Percent

The upper left hand section of the Routine Editor's Routine Parameters tab contains the following variables:

  • Units
  • Cpk
  • FlyerPercent
Units, Cpk, and Flyer percent Fields


Sets the units (millimeter or inch) in which AutoComp is to interpret the gage data. The default is metric. Millimeters are rounded to four decimal places and inches are rounded to five decimal places.

Example 1:

The Routine is set to use inches and an Okuma CNC is set to metric.

If a comp of 0.025 is sent to the Okuma CNC, the resulting value in the CNC offset is comped with the value -0.635. This represents the inch value of -.025 converted to metric

Example 2:

Routine is set to use metrics and an Okuma CNC is set to inches.

If a comp of 0.025 is sent to the Okuma CNC, the resulting value in the CNC offset is comped with the value -0.0010. This represents the metric value of -0.025 converted to inches.

Example 3:

The Routine is set to use inches and an Fanuc/Focas CNC is set to metrics.

If a comp of 0.025 is sent to the Fanuc/Focas CNC, the resulting value in the CNC offset is comped with the value -0.635. This rep- resents the inch value of -.025 converted to metric.

Example 4:

Routine is set to use metrics and an Focas/Fanuc CNC is set to inches.

If a comp of 0.025 is sent to the Focas/Fanuc CNC, the resulting value in the CNC offset is comped with the value -0.0010. This represents the metric value of -0.025 converted to inches.


Process capability index desired. This value is calculated on a per dimension basis and reported in the Cpk column of the Data Grid and stored in the run data file.

If absolute value of URL=0 then Cpk=Cpl and if absolute value of LRL=0 then Cpk=Cpu. Otherwise Cpk is the min as the standard equation defines.

Flyer Percent Value

The flyer percent value is the percentage above or below the reject limits that a gage measurement value will be ignored, even if Com- pRejectedDimensions is set. If the Flyer Percentage is set to 0 (the default), the functionality is not enabled. If the functionality is enabled (flyer percentage from .1% to 200%), and a gage measurement is in the flyer range:

  • The value will not be placed in the trend buffer, or used for compensation calculations.
  • If there are any values in the trend buffer, the oldest value will be removed but no new value will be added. If this measurement is in a skip cycle, the trend buffer will not be changed.
  • The value will be used for Cpk calculations.
  • The value will appear in the runtime grid as a red value, with no asterisk (no compensation).
  • The value will count towards a skip cycle if skip is in progress. (As noted above, the trend buffer will not be changed during a skip cycle.)

Cycle Notification

The AutoComp Cycle Notifications section of the Routine Editor's Routine Parameters tab contains the following fields:

  • Variable Path/Subsystem
  • 3 Notification Variables:
    • Cycle Complete
    • Comp Ack
    • Wear Limit Notification
Cycle Notification Variables in Routine Editor

These parameters are initially set to system global configuration val- ues and can be changed in each routine.


This refers to the path/turret that is used as the target for variable feedback.

Cycle Complete Variable

There are three Cycle Complete fields:

  • Cycle Complete Macro: The CNC macro or common variable set on each cycle completion
  • Cycle Complete Value: If all dimensions have been measured when the last routine dimension is processed (signaling a complete cycle), then the Cycle Complete Value is written to the Cycle Complete Variable.
  • Cycle Missing Dimensions Value: If any dimension measurements are "Missing" on cycle completion, the Cycle Missing Dimensions Value is written to the Cycle Complete Variable. If an error causes a measurement field to contain non-numeric data, it will appear as "Missing".

Wear Limit Notification Variable

There are three Wear Limit Notification fields.

  • Wear Limit Macro: The CNC macro or common variable set on each cycle completion. A macro value of 0 (zero), means no macro variable is to be set for wear limit status. Any individual dimension with a tool wear limit of 0 will not be considered as ever exceeding its wear life. Default values for this parameter are defined in the system configuration process.
  • Wear Exceeded: If any dimension has exceeded 100% of its tool life, the Wear Exceeded value is written to the Wear Limit Macro variable.
  • Wear GOOD: If all dimensions are within tool life limits, the Wear GOOD value is written to the Wear Limit Macro variable.

Comp Ack Variable

There are three Comp Ack fields.

  • Comp Ack Macro: CNC macro or common variable set on each cycle completion. A macro value of 0 (zero) means no macro variable is to be set for Good/Reject status. Default val- ues for this parameter are defined in the system configuration process.
  • Cycle Has Reject: If any dimension in the cycle was outside of the upper or lower reject limits, the Cycle Has Reject value is written to the Comp Ack Macro.
  • Cycle GOOD: If all dimensions are within reject tolerances, the Cycle GOOD value written to the Comp Ack Macro variable.

Gage Required Counter

The gage required counter reads variable containing the number of cycles before alerting the operator that gaging is required.

The Gage Required section of the Edit window’s Routine Parameters tab contains the following variables:

Gage Required Counter Fields
  • The Gage Required Macro is the variable to be monitored by AutoComp and changed by the CNC program to track parts and signal when gaging is required. The part program must set this variable after every part. AutoComp will never set (or zero out) this parameter; it only polls it and shows the operator the current part count compared to the count that requires gaging.
  • Gage Required Count is the number at which the operator should gage a part.
  • Gage Required Timer specifies how often to poll the machine to read the next cycle.

Note: In the Run Screen's status bar, the Count/Required field lists both the Gage Required Count value ("Count"), which you set here, and the Gage Required Macro variable VALUE ("Required"). The color in which the Count/Required data are displayed is dependent on the value:

  • Green = 0 to 75% from actual
  • Yellow = 76% to 95%
  • Red = higher than 95%.

Dimension Parameter

Dimension parameters apply only to a specific dimension. Dimension parameters are set in the Dimension Parameters tab.

Dimension Parameters Tab in Routine Editor (with Tool Compensation Selected)

There are two types of dimension parameters to define:

  • General parameters which must be set for each dimension, whether or not tool compensation is enabled.
  • Compensation parameters (including tool parameters), which can only be set if tool compensation is enabled.

General Dimension Parameters

General dimension parameters are edited in the upper left section of the Routine Editor.

General Dimension Parameters

Dimension Name

Specify a name for the dimension.

An existing dimension can also be renamed using the Rename button to the right of the name.

Dimension Index

This is the ordinal number (first, second, third, etc.) of the dimension within the routine. This is not editable. However, the order of dimensions in a routine can be changed using the Move Dimension Up or Move Dimension Down buttons.

Gage Converter

The gage converter is used to define the gage data file format that AutoComp will process for this dimension. Gage converters are defined in the system configuration process.

From the drop-down list, select the converter to associate with this dimension.

Gage Converter Dropdown List
Add/Edit Converter

The Add/Edit Converter button opens the Gage Configuration Win- dow. In this window, new gage converters can be created and previously created gage converters can be edited.

If adding or editing a Delimited type Gage converter, delimited files can be parsed by measurement 'tag' names using the Tag Column field.

Tool Compensation Checkbox

Check this parameter to configure AutoComp to compensate an off- set or variable location in the CNC.

When tool compensation is enabled by checking this parameter, compensation parameters and tool parameters can be entered.


The Nominal value is the ‘perfect’ gage measurement for a part. It is represented in AutoComp’s History Chart as the central, unchanging horizontal green line.


Indicates what row of the gage data file (or what consecutive element in a set column file) corresponds to this dimension. The column of actual data measurement varies depending on the gage interface and is defined when the GageConverter is defined in the System Configuration window.

Upper/Lower Reject Limit

Select tolerance limits for the dimension. Set this to the deviation from nominal or absolute value, depending on the system dimension limits deviation flag.

The reject limits are represented by horizontal red lines on the His- tory Chart. Gaged dimensions which exceed the reject limits are shown in red on the Data Grid.

Upper or lower reject limits can be marked 'not applicable' in the Routine editor, which simply sets a + or - .000001 tolerance from the nominal for that reject limit.

A value greater than or equal to the upper reject limit or less than or equal to the lower reject limit will be treated as a reject value.

Note: Set this to the deviation from nominal or absolute value, depending on the system dimension limits deviation flag.

Cycle Complete Critical

Each routine needs at least one “critical” dimension for a cycle of data to be completed and for AutoComp to accept the next cycle. A cycle completes when all critical dimensions have data associated with them. Any other (non-critical) dimensions that do not have data yet will be marked missing.

Note: If (due to error) a dimensions measurement field is not numeric, the dimension will appear as a missing measurement. If the missing dimension is marked as critical it will hold up the cycle from completion. The routine can be manually unloaded to proceed.

Compensation Parameters

When tool compensation is enabled, AutoComp provides several compensation parameters. (To enable tool compensation for a dimension, check the Tool Compensation check-box in the General Para- meters section of the Edit window’s Dimension Parameters tab.) When Tool Compensation is checked, the compensation parameters are displayed in the following two tabs.

  • Dimension Compensation Parameters
  • Control Compensation Parameters

Data is retained when setting a dimension to No-ToolCompenstion in the routine editor. This allows the data to be automatically filled in when checking the ToolCompensation check-box. This creates a temporary hold on tool compensation while the ToolCompensation setting is unchecked, and re-establishes the compensation functionality when ToolCompensation is re-checked.

When changing back and forth between No-ToolCompensation and ToolCompensation, the dimension TREND buffers and SKIP count are not initialized. To force initialization of TREND buffers and SKIP count either:

  1. Unload the routine rather than suspend it (Which will clear TREND and SKIP for all dimensions) or
  2. Manually load the routine and click the TOOL LIFE panel or Change TOOL button ( in the details view) for the dimension to reset.

These parameters can be edited in the bottom left section of the Edit window’s Dimension Parameters tab.

The compensation parameters are discussed in the sections that follow.

Dimension Compensation Parameters

The following compensation parameters can be set in the Dimension compensation parameters tab:

  • Upper and Lower Comp Limits
  • Comp Additive
  • Tool Name
  • Tool Wear Limit
  • Trend
  • Skip
  • CNC Comp
  • Comp by Percent
  • Is Radial
Dimension Compensation Parameters

Note: Tool Name only appears in the historical data file (RunData folder).

Upper/Lower Comp Limit

If the actual gaged value lies inside these two limits, the dimension is deemed good and no compensation is performed. These values must be defined within the reject limits.

Set this to the deviation from nominal or absolute value, depending on the system dimension limits deviation flag.

Gage values that lie outside the comp limit and inside the reject lim- its are sent to the CNC for compensation.

If the system is configured with CompOnReject = False, then no comps are sent if a gage cycle (for single gage routines) or subcycle (for multi-gage routines) contains a reject value.

Comp Additive

Comp Additive allows AutoComp to anticipate process trends by compensating the CNC back to a point above or below the nominal, so that the nominal is the mean value, and there is an even two-sided distribution.

This can also be used if the part is measured in a hot condition that requires the desired dimension to deviate from the nominal in order to anticipate the size reduction when the part cools.

The actual Comp Additive value is added to the calculated compensation value, before being sent to the CNC.

Set the value to zero, if a one-sided distribution is acceptable.

Example of target compensation:

Assume the part tolerance is +/-.001”, the compensation limit is+/-.0005”, and the Comp Additive is set to -0.0002”.

If the part is measured with an error of +0.0003”, the normal calculation would send a -0.0003” to the tool offset. However, with a Comp Additive of -0.0002”, the total value sent to the tool offset is -0.0005”.

Note: CompByPercent changes the CompAdditive entry to percent of compensation.

Tool Name

The user-defined name of the currently active tool. This can be programmed to indicate type of tool that is bound to dimension. This can be left blank.

Note: With Siemens and Mazak controls, the tool name field behaves differently

Tool Wear Limit

The system tracks the accumulated comps sent to a particular offset. AutoComp displays wear tracking in the rectangular, colored panel on the right side of the Run Screen.

If the total comp range of the tool is known, the system can indicate that this limit has been reached and warn the operator about possible dull tooling.

Set this value to zero to disable this feature.

The algorithm processes wear as an absolute value, so tool wear is programmed as a positive value even if the machine is being offset in a negative direction.

Trend Count

The trend is the number of gage readings used to calculate the running average. The running average removes noise from the system by resolving irregularities in gage measurement caused by factors other than tool wear.


A trend of three means that the first three measurements are averaged: then when the fourth measurement comes in, it replaces the first measurement, which is dropped from the calculation. When the fifth measurement comes in, it replaces the second measurement, and so on.

The following graph shows grouping and compensation for a trend of 3 in the third dimension. In this example, trend would be set to zero or 1 to disable, or 2-10 to provide averaging.

History Chart: Grouping and Compensation for a Trend of Three (Third Dimension)

It is recommended that if entering a value in the Trend field, enter a value in the CNC Comp Limit field as well. Otherwise the CNC Comp Limit field is yellow.

Trend with Comp On Reject

When the Comp on Reject and Comp Rejected Dimensions check-boxes are checked in the System Configuration window, Trend works differently. The Comp on Reject and Comp Rejected Dimensions features are used only to set a reject flag that determines whether dimensions should be compensated. The reject value is still stored in the trend buffer.

Compensation occurs when the following conditions are satisfied:

  • Comp on Reject is checked
  • Comp Rejected Dimensions is checked
  • The average of the Trend buffer using the rejected dimension is within compensation limits

Note: A CNC Comp Limit should be set when using the Trend feature. If the average of the Trend buffer is outside the Reject Limits, compensation occurs when the actual Gage Value is within Reject Limits. Use a CNC CompLimit to limit the compensation that occurs.

Skip Count

Skip Count is the number of compensation cycles to skip processing in an automated environment where a delay is required between production of a part and its gaging.

The default value for this parameter is one of the global parameters defined in the System Configuration window.

CNC Comp Limit

CNC Comp Limit allows system protection by programming a maximum comp value that is allowable for a dimension.

If the gage value evaluates to a greater comp value than this limit, the comp is restricted to this maximum (unless this is a variable dimension, with the Set Always flag set).

Program a zero to disable this feature.

This is evaluated as an absolute value and should be programmed as a positive value.

It is recommended that if entering a value in the Trend field, enter a value in the CNC Comp Limit field as well. Otherwise the field is yellow.

Trend and CNC Comp Limit Fields (Detail of Routine Editor)
Comp by Percent

CompByPercent changes the CompAdditive entry to percent of compensation. This means that the final compensation, as well as the trend buffer entry, is a percent of the calculated compensation.

Is Radial

Is Radial, when checked, cuts compensation in half before sending to CNC.

Control Compensation Parameters

The following compensation parameters can be set in the Control Compensation Parameters tab:

  • Machine Variables
  • Tool groups and offsets
  • Axis
  • CNC specific fields
Control Compensation Parameters

Variable Compensation Target

There are several machine compensation parameters, which are only available if a system is communicating with a CNC that has ethernet variable read/write access. These parameters are:

  • Is Machine Variable
  • Set Variable
  • Reverse Sign
  • Reset Nominal For (used with Reverse Sign)
  • Set Always

If Is Machine Variable is selected, the target of compensation on the CNC is a variable, not an offset.

Most of the machine variable compensation parameter fields are displayed. However, Reset Nominal For field is only displayed if Reverse Sign is selected.

Note: The Tool Offset field has changed, to become the Machine Variable field.

Note: A dimension cannot use a common variable if using tool life management (tool groups), so AutoComp does not allow both Is Machine Variable and Tool Groups to be selected.

All of the compensation parameters are interrelated, and some are enabled only if others are already selected. The following sections explain how these machine variable compensation parameters act in conjunction with one another.

The machine variable compensation parameters are discussed below.

Is Machine Variable (Alone)

When Is Machine Variable is enabled, AutoComp compensates a machine variable rather than tool or wear offset.

If Is Machine Variable is selected, but SetVariable is not selected, then compensation to the variable works the same way as the offset compensation. Compensation is added to the current value in the variable and the sum is the new variable value.

Is Machine Variable and Set Variable

If both Is Machine Variable and Set Variable are selected, the variable is set with the actual comp value on each gaging cycle.

Set Always

Set Always is used to specify that the dimension be forced to send its value to the target variable, regardless of compensation or reject limits. This means that the actual value is sent under all compensation circumstances, regardless of the CNC comp limit. The only exception is if the value is in the REJECT FLYER limit area. No value is sent under that circumstance.

Note: This makes the CNC comp limit become the reset nominal additive with Set Always, so there is no ability to limit.

Set Always can be used whether a dimension is specified in the Reset Nominal For field (as shown in the screen shot below), or if using the default ("NONE").

Tool Offset Compensation Target

If the compensation target is offsets the parameters in the following sections are available.


Set to desired axis. Axis, Turret, and Offset Number together specify tool offset.

Cut Position and Edge

If using an Okuma Lathe, certain configurations allow an edge and cut position to be set, or Nose-R compensation to be enabled in the Control Compensation Params tab.

Click in the CutPosition field to display the Tool Cut Position window. Select the desired cut position and press OK.

Note for Okuma P300S Controls in TL Mode with Cut Positions: Dimensions defined without a Cut Position will compensate the off-set that is live on the Okuma tool page, at the time of compensation.

Nose-R Compensation:

Individual dimensions can be set for Nose-R compensation. This feature is only available for Okuma lathes (P200 and P300).

Note: To Utilize Nose-R Compensation, the CEI_OkumaP300Server V2.04.07 and ThincAPI 1.18 are required on a P300 control. For a P200 control, the P200 CEI Server V3.00.02 and ThincAPI 1.17 are required.

Reverse Sign

If the gage loop provides incorrect comp direction, the sign of the actual sent comp may be reversed by using Reverse Sign.

Comp Designation

If communicating with an Okuma P300 mill, the tool designation check box becomes available. Clicking the check box will enable the following choices:

  • A= HA/DA
  • B= HB/DB
  • C= HC/DC
Tool Groups/Tool Group

This option is only used by controls that have Ethernet access to tool group and life functionality. It allows viewing and specifying tool group and group offset information.

Check the Tool Groups box to display the Tool Group and Group Offset fields.

The data in these fields correspond to the CNC’s group offset lookup table. The offset of the currently active tool in the listed tool group listed is the compensation target offset for this dimension.

Notes on Entering Tool Group Data:

  • When using tool groups for the Focas CNC, check the ToolGroups box, enter the group in the ToolGroup field, and set the GroupOffset to any numeric > 0 to fully enable the tool life management functionality.
  • A dimension cannot be a common variable if using tool life management (tool groups), so AutoComp does not allow both Is Machine Variable and Tool Groups to be selected.