Configuring the AutoComp System

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Configuring the AutoComp System: Overview

Configuring the AutoComp System consists of specifying variables in either the User Options window and the System Configuration window.

The variables set in the User Options window are:

  • "Security Levels"
  • "Operation Modes"
  • "Specifying Temporary Setup Overrides"
  • Force Front on Cycle Complete
  • "Access AutoComp from CEI Remote View"

The variables set in the System Configuration window are:

  • "Routine Path"
  • "System Global Parameters"
  • "Cycle Notifications"
  • "Run Data Variables"
  • "Data Tag Variables"

Note: The System Configuration window also allows access to the windows where the CNC interface and the gage converter are selected.

User Option Window

Press the Configuration button to open the User Options window

User Options Window in Production Mode (Supervisor Level)

The User Options window provides the following functionality:

  • Security level can be specified. (Access Level).
  • Operation Mode can be specified.
  • The Force Front checkbox forces the Main Window to the front of the desktop when a cycle completes.
  • The Run Remote Client checkbox configures AutoComp to be monitored with CEI Remote View (contact CEI for information)

The Machine Name field is editable. The machine name becomes part of the run data file name. These files are named as follows:

<routine(machine)> <timestamp>.csv

  • The System Configuration button allows access to the System Configuration window where file management and global parameters can be configured.
  • The Delete Gage Data Files button allows any gage data files that match the defined gage converter filter in all gage converter folders to be deleted.
  • The List Gage Converter Folder Files button allows the user to list all files in the gage converter folders.
  • MT Connect functionality is available. See the configuration window for the IP address and port to use in the MT connect agent. For more information, please refer to the Caron Engineering MT Connect Adaptor Manual.
  • Import/Export Configuration files with Offline Routine Editor.

Security Levels

AutoComp has two security levels:

  • Operator Level restricts access to system configuration para- meters and editing routines. At operator level, routines can be loaded and unloaded. The current offset data and data log files can be viewed also.
  • Supervisor Level access allows all operations.

Security level and the supervisor’s password can be set in the User Options window. See User Options Window.

Note: At operator level, a supervisor password must be entered in order to close AutoComp.

Setting Security Level

Set security level as follows.

  1. Go to the User Options window by pressing Configuration in the Main Window tool bar.
  2. Press the radio button next to the desired security level.
  3. After setting the access level and other parameters, press
  4. Apply.

Changing Security Level

At operator level, change to supervisor level as follows:

  1. Click on Supervisor Level in the tool bar at the top of the Main Window.
  2. Type the supervisor password and press Enter.

Note: AutoComp can only be exited at supervisor level.

Changing Supervisor's Password

To change the supervisor password:

  1. Set the security level to Operator.
  2. Click Change Supervisor Password.
  3. Type the new password in the New Password field.
  4. Retype the new password in the Verify New Password field.
  5. Press Apply.

Supervisor Login

  1. In the Main Window tool bar, click Supervisor Level.
  2. Enter the password and press OK.

Operation Modes

AutoComp has two operation modes: Production Mode and Setup Mode.

  • In Production Mode, AutoComp analyzes gage measurements automatically. AutoComp loads the proper routine if it is not already active, suspends an active routine if necessary, performs compensation calculations, and updates CNC offsets, the Data Grid, and the History Chart.
  • In Setup Mode, AutoComp loads and suspends routines. However, any dimension can be re-measured until its cycle or sub-cycle is accepted or canceled. Re-measurement overwrites the data, in effect canceling the old measurement for that dimension.
  • Unlike Production Mode, compensation data remains in the Active column of the Data Grid until the operator accepts or cancels the cycle, using one of the two buttons that are displayed in the Run Screen tool bar, only in setup mode:
    • Accept sends the compensations to the CNC. The Data Grid and the History Chart are updated. Accept only works if all critical dimensions have been entered.
    • Cancel discards the cycle of data and clears the Active column of the Data Grid.

In setup mode, temporary setup overrides can be chosen.

Setting Operation Mode

To set operation mode:

  1. Go to the User Options window by pressing Configuration in the Main Window tool bar.
  2. Press the radio button next to the desired operation mode.
  3. When finished setting Operation Mode and other parameters in the User Options window, press Apply.

Specifying Temporary Setup Overrides

If using Setup mode, temporary setup override options are displayed in the Operation Mode section of the User Options window.

  • Disable Trend/Skip: Check this to temporarily ignore dimension skip and trend settings during setup.
  • Comp All Dimensions: Check this to temporarily ignore system flags to NOT compensate rejected dimensions or dimensions that exceed the wear limit during setup.
  • Setup Cycles: Select the number of cycles to run in setup mode before automatically switching to production mode. The default (0) means that the user must manually switch to production mode when needed.

When finished setting temporary setup overrides, and other parameters in the User Options window, press Apply.

Force Front on Cycle Complete

AutoComp can be configured so that the Main Window is forced to the front of the desktop when a cycle completes. To do this, check Force Front on the right hand side of User Options window.

Force Front Check Box on User Options WIndow

When finished setting Force Front, and other parameters in the User Options window, press Apply.

Access AutoComp from CEI Remote View

AutoComp can be configured to be monitored with CEI Remote View (contact CEI for information).

To do this, check Run Remote Client in the lower left of the User Options window.

Run Remote Client Check Box on User Options Window

Note: The Machine Name field is editable and is displayed in the title bar in Remote View. The machine name is contained as part of the run data log file name.

When finished setting Run Remote Client, Machine Name, and other parameters in the User Options window, press Apply.


MTConnect data communication is supported by AutoComp. The IP address and port number to use in MTConnect is displayed in the User Options Window.

MT Connect IP Address and Port

System Configuration Window

Gage and CNC Definitions

System Global Parameters

INFO Button

Comp On Reject Parameter

Comp Rejected Dimensions

Comp After Wear

Clear Offset On Tool Change

Expire Tool On Wear Limit

Wear Offset Compensation

Dimension Limits Deviations

Offset Display as Deviation

CNC Decimal Precision

Skip Count Functionality

Viewable Data Cycles

Trend Reset Time and Trend Reset Over

Log Level

Application Language Settings

Load Routine Variable and Path

AutoComp Cycle Notifications

Cycle Complete Variable

Wear Limit Notification Variable

Compensation Ack

Routine Path

Run Data Variables

Run Data Files and Data Tag Overview

Run Data Main Path

Run Data Reset Days, Hours, and Minutes

Data Tag Variables

Purge Run Data Files