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== Overview ==
== Overview ==

Revision as of 15:06, 31 August 2022

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TMAC has a variety of system alarms that can occur. Each alarm, its description and the corrective actions to take are documented in the tables of this chapter. TMAC alarms consist of the following types:

  • Critical
  • Warning
  • Informational

Note: During system integration, TMAC can be configured to issue a machine response for any system alarm that is triggered. Machine responses available depend on the machine or control that TMAC is installed on. See System Integrator Manual for more information on mapping alarms to machine responses.

Critical Alarms

Critical alarms signify an error that requires immediate attention and interrupts any running operation. The following occurs when a critical alarm is triggered:

  • Triggers TMAC to stop monitoring
  • Prevents future commands from being executed until the alarm is reset.

One exception to critical alarm behavior occurs with the Tap Extreme alarm. When the Tap Extreme Alarm is triggered the following occurs:

  • TMAC does not stop monitoring until the tap alarm delay expires
  • Prevents future commands from being executed until the alarm is reset.
Critical Alarms
Alarm Name Category Code Description Possible Solutions
Job Load While Monitoring JOB 4.5 Jobs cannot be loaded while the system is monitoring. Try loading the job when sys- tem is in idle mode.
Job Not Found JOB 4.6 The given job (JOB NAME) is not configured. Make sure the job name is cor- rect and is configured in TMAC.
Job Forcefully Unloaded JOB 4.7 The previously loaded job has been forcefully unloaded because it has been deleted.
Operation Not Configured JOB 4.8 Operation (OPERATION) is not configured in the current job Make sure the given operation (OPERATION) is configured in the current job or that the system is in learn mode to learn the operation.
Job Configuration Error JOB 4.9 The job (JOB NAME) was incor- rectly configured for the reques- ted operation: (ERROR DETAILS)
Job Start Error JOB 4.10 Unable to perform a start error: ' (ERROR DETAILS)'
Job Invalid Dither Parameters JOB 4.11 The job (JOB NAME) dither parameters are invalid Please verify dither para- meters are set in the job
Job Invalid Monitor Type JOB 4.88 The job (JOB NAME) monitor type is invalid Verify the configured monitor type is valid in the job
TMAC Backend Crash EXTREME 4.1 The TMAC backend has suffered a crash. Communication has been recovered however any running process may have been interrupted.
(CHANNEL NAME) Channel Timeout EXTREME 4.12 The requested channel (CHANNEL NAME) has timed out. Verify that the hardware asso- ciated with the channel is properly connected and con- figured.
No Channels Started EXTREME 4.13 No applicable channels in start monitor. Verify that the correct chan- nels were selected for the start monitor.
Invalid Channel (CHANNEL NAME) for Operation EXTREME 4.14 Channel is not applicable to the active operation
Too Many Channels for Oper- ation EXTREME 4.15 Channel type is present too many times from the command.
Invalid channel group (CHANNEL GROUP NAME) for Operation EXTREME 4.16 Group is not applicable to the active operation
(CHANNEL NAME) Missed Time Increment EXTREME 4.17 (CHANNEL NAME) has missed next time increment Time increments may be spaced too closely together - extend time in between time increments to ensure they are not missed
Invalid RS232 Command Miss- ing Start Code EXTREME 4.18 The RS232 command is missing a start code Verify start command and associated start code are cor- rect.
Invalid RS232 Command Miss- ing Tool Number EXTREME 4.19 The RS232 command is missing a tool number Verify start command and associated tool number are cor- rect.
Invalid RS232 Command Miss- ing Section Number EXTREME 4.20 The RS232 command is missing a section number Verify start command and associated section number are correct.
Invalid RS232 Command Miss- ing Command type EXTREME 4.21 The RS232 command is missing a command type. Verify command exists.
Invalid RS232 Command Miss- ing Parameters EXTREME 4.22 The RS232 command is missing parameters Verify all parameters exist with the associated command.
Invalid RS232 Command Miss- ing Parameter Value EXTREME 4.23 The RS232 command is missing a parameter value. Verify all parameters in the command contain values.
Invalid RS232 Command Miss- ing Channel EXTREME 4.24 The RS232 Command is missing a channel Verify start command con- tains a channel.
Invalid RS232 Command Miss- ing Channel Value EXTREME 4.25 The RS232 command is missing a channel value Verify start command con- tains a channel with a value.
Invalid RS232 Command Chan- nel Value Out of Range EXTREME 4.26 The RS232 command channel value is outside of the accept- able range. Verify channel value is within the allowed channel range.
Invalid RS232 Command - Para- meter Value Out of Range EXTREME 4.27 The RS232 command contains a parameter value that is outside of the acceptable range. Verify parameter value is within the allowed range.
Invalid Tool Number (TOOL NUMBER) Out of Range EXTREME 4.28 Tool number is outside of the acceptable range. Verify tool number is <= 99999999
Invalid section number (SECTION NUMBER) Out of Range EXTREME 4.29 Section number is outside of the acceptable range. Verify section number is <= 99
(CHANNEL NAME) Scale Exceeded by Limits EXTREME 4.30 One of (CHANNEL NAME) limits was outside of the scale range of the current scale.
(CHANNEL NAME) Feedrate Scale Exceeded by Limits EXTREME 4.31 One of (CHANNEL NAME) feedrate limits was outside of the max feedrate range
(CHANNEL NAME) Scale Exceeded by Idle EXTREME 4.32 The idle value for (CHANNEL NAME) was outside of the scale range of the current scale.
(CHANNEL NAME) Scale Exceeded by Learned EXTREME 4.33 The learned value for (CHANNEL NAME) was out- side of the scale range of the cur- rent scale.
(CHANNEL NAME) Learned Value Zero EXTREME 4.34 The learned value for (CHANNEL NAME) is invalid.
(CHANNEL NAME) Scale Out of Range EXTREME 4.35 The scale value for (CHANNEL NAME) was outside of range of min/max scale Check job scale to make sure the sure a valid scale is provided
(CHANNEL NAME) Feedrate Override No Limits. EXTREME 4.36 Feedrate override is enabled on (CHANNEL NAME) without limits defined. Check job and feedrate limits if feedrate override is required
(CHANNEL NAME) Adaptive Max Feedrate Invalid EXTREME 4.37 Adaptive maximum feedrate for (CHANNEL NAME) is outside of range of the allowed max- imum feedrate value. Check job adaptive max feedrate to make sure a valid value is provided
(CHANNEL NAME) Adaptive target is zero EXTREME 4.38 Adaptive target

(CHANNEL NAME) cannot be zero

Check job adaptive target to make sure a valid value is provided
(CHANNEL NAME) Approach Max Feedrate Invalid EXTREME 4.39 Approach maximum feedrate for (CHANNEL NAME) is out of range of the allowed maximum feedrate vvalue Check job approach max feedrate to make sure a valid value is provided
(CHANNEL NAME) Approach On / Off Invalid EXTREME 4.40 Approach on value for (CHANNEL NAME) is greater than approach off value in the job Check job approach on / off values
(CHANNEL NAME) Extreme Invalid EXTREME 4.41 Invalid extreme limit for CHANNEL provided Check extreme limit in Job of command
(CHANNEL NAME) Extreme Exceeded EXTREME 4.42 (CHANNEL NAME) signal exceeds Extreme Limit % for a period longer than Extreme Delay. Check tool condition. If tool is okay adjust the limit or alarm delay.
(CHANNEL NAME) Extreme Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.43 Invalid extreme limit delay for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check extreme limit delay in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Extreme Feedrate Invalid EXTREME 4.44 Invalid extreme feedrate limit for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check extreme feedrate limit in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Extreme Feedrate EXTREME 4.45 (CHANNEL NAME) feedrate override drops below Extreme Feedrate % for a period longer than extreme delay during an adaptive operation. Check tool condition. If tool is okay adjust limit or alarm delay.
(CHANNEL NAME) Extreme Feedrate Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.46 Invalid extreme feedrate limit delay for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check extreme feedrate limit delay in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Wear Invalid EXTREME 4.47 Invalid wear limit for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check wear limit in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Wear Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.49 Invalid wear limit delay for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check wear delay limit in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Wear Feedrate Invalid EXTREME 4.50 Invalid wear feedrate limit for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check wear feedrate limit in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Wear Feedrate Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.52 Invalid Wear feedrate limit delay for

(CHANNEL NAME) provided

Check wear feedrate limit delay in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Undercut Invalid EXTREME 4.53 Invalid undercut limit for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check undercut limit in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Undercut Time Above Invalid EXTREME 4.55 Invalid undercut time above for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check undercut time above in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) No Limits EXTREME 4.56 The (CHANNEL NAME) com- mand contains no limits Check your command syntax and make sure one limit is present
(CHANNEL NAME) Spindle Speed Invalid EXTREME 4.58 Invalid spindle speed for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check spindle speed value in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Spindle Speed Low Invalid EXTREME 4.59 Invalid spindle speed low for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check spindle speed low value in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Spindle Speed Low Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.61 Invalid spindle speed low delay for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check spindle speed low delay value in job or com- mand
(CHANNEL NAME) Spindle Speed High Invalid EXTREME 4.62 Invalid spindle speed high for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check spindle speed high value in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Spindle Speed High Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.64 Invalid spindle speed high delay for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check spindle speed high delay value in job or com- mand
(CHANNEL NAME) Coolant Low Warning Invalid EXTREME 4.65 Invalid coolant low warning for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check coolant low warning value in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Coolant Low Warning Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.67 Invalid low warning delay for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check low warning delay value in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Coolant Low Invalid EXTREME 4.68 Invalid coolant low for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check coolant low value in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Coolant Low Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.70 Invalid low delay for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check low delay value in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Coolant High Invalid EXTREME 4.71 Invalid coolant high for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check coolant high value in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Coolant High Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.73 Invalid high delay for (CHANNEL NAME) provided Check high delay value in job or command
(CHANNEL NAME) Signature Lower Extreme Invalid EXTREME 4.74 (CHANNEL NAME) Invalid lower extreme limit provided Check signature lower extreme limit value in job
(CHANNEL NAME) Signature Lower Extreme Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.75 (CHANNEL NAME) Invalid lower extreme delay provided Check signature lower extreme delay value in job
(CHANNEL NAME) Signature Lower Warning Invalid EXTREME 4.76 (CHANNEL NAME) Invalid lower warning limit provided Check signature lower warn- ing limit value in job
(CHANNEL NAME) Signature Lower Warning Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.77 (CHANNEL NAME) Invalid lower warning delay provided Check signature lower warn- ing delay value in job
(CHANNEL NAME) Signature Upper Extreme Invalid EXTREME 4.78 (CHANNEL NAME) Invalid upper extreme limit provided Check signature upper extreme limit value in job
(CHANNEL NAME) Signature Upper Extreme Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.79 (CHANNEL NAME) Invalid upper extreme delay provided Check signature upper extreme delay value in job
(CHANNEL NAME) Signature Upper Warning Invalid EXTREME 4.80 (CHANNEL NAME) Invalid upper warning limit provided Check signature upper warn- ing limit value in job
(CHANNEL NAME) Signature Upper Warning Delay Invalid EXTREME 4.81 (CHANNEL NAME) Invalid upper warning delay provided Check signature upper warn- ing delay value in job
(CHANNEL NAME) Signature Extreme Exceeded EXTREME 4.82 (CHANNEL NAME) signal exceeds signature extreme tol- erance for a period longer than Signature Extreme Delay Check tool condition. If OK adjust limit or alarm delay or relearn cutting signature
Signature Start Error EXTREME 4.85 There was an error during the signature monitoring start pro- cedure: {{error}} Check the job parameters or refer to the manual for more information
Signature Run-time Error EXTREME 4.86 An unrecoverable error occurred during signature monitoring Check the job parameters or refer to the manual for more information
(CHANNEL NAME) Undercut Not Met UNDERCUT 4.54 (CHANNEL NAME) signal was not above the Undercut Limit or monitored signal was not above the Undercut limit for the amount of time specified in the Tima Above Undercut setting Verify tool and part are present. If present check off- sets, otherwise adjust limit or time above undercut
(CHANNEL NAME) Spindle Speed Low SPINDLE SPEED 4.60 (CHANNEL NAME) spindle speed signal value out of range of the low limit for a period longer than the alarm delay
(CHANNEL NAME) Spindle Speed High SPINDLE SPEED 4.63 (CHANNEL NAME) spindle speed signal value out of range of the high limit for a period longer than the alarm delay
(CHANNEL NAME) Coolant Low COOLANT EXTREME 4.69 (CHANNEL NAME) coolant low value out of range of the Low Limit for a period longer than Alarm Delay
(CHANNEL NAME) Coolant High COOLANT EXTREME 4.72 (CHANNEL NAME) coolant high value out of range of the High Limit for a period longer than Alarm Delay
Unknown Runtime Error SYSTEM 4.87 An unrecoverable error occurred during monitoring:{{error}} Check the job parameters or refer to the manual for more information
(CHANNEL NAME) Tap Extreme TAP 3.57 (CHANNEL NAME) tap signal exceeds Tap Extreme Limit value

Warning Alarms

Warning alarms signify an error that is significant to note, but will not interrupt a running process. The following occurs when a warning alarm is triggered:

  • Does not trigger TMAC to stop monitoring
  • Does not prevent future commands from being executed, even if alarm is not reset
Warning Alarms
Alarm Name Category Code Description Possible Solutions
CHANNEL NAME) Wear Exceeded WEAR 2.48 (CHANNEL NAME) signal exceeds Wear Limit % for a period longer than Wear Delay. Check tool condition. If tool is okay adjust limit or alarm delay.
(CHANNEL NAME) Wear Feedrate Exceeded WEAR 2.51 (CHANNEL NAME) feedrate override drops below Wear Feedrate % for a period longer than wear delay during an adaptive cut. Check tool condition, If OK adjust limit or alarm delay.
(CHANNEL NAME) Signature Warning Exceeded WEAR 2.83 (CHANNEL NAME) signal exceeds Signature Warning Tolerance for a period longer than Signature Warning Delay Check tool condition. If OK adjust limit or alarm delay, or relearn cutting signature
Signature Data Exhausted WEAR 2.84 Data from the learned reference cut was exhausted before the stop monitor was recieved If machining operation has changed, relearn cutting sig- nature
(CHANNEL NAME) Coolant Low Warning COOLANT WARNING 2.66 (CHANNEL NAME) coolant low warning value out of range of the Low Warning Limit for a period longer than Alarm Delay.
Unable to Record Data SYSTEM 2.2 Data recording failed with error: {{error}} Reboot the TMAC PC and make sure that the recording storage drive is not full.

Informational Alarms

Informational alarms signify an error that is not significant enough to stop or pre- vent a running process. The following occurs when an info alarm is triggered:

  • Does not trigger TMAC to stop monitoring
  • Does not prevent future commands from being executed, even if alarm is not reset
Information Alarms
Alarm Name Category Code Desciption Possible Solution
No Job Loaded JOB 1.4 No Job is current loaded. Verify Job exists. Load Job manually or check Job Load command in part program.
Disk Too Full to Record Data SYSTEM 1.3 The disk is nearing the maximum set usage and is unable to record data. Perform a data purge and reboot the TMAC PC.