OnTakt: User settings

From Knowledge Base

You can access your own user account settings by clicking your username at the top right of OnTakt and selecting User settings. Administrators can edit other users' settings by instead selecting Global settings, switching to the Users tab, and then clicking the Edit button next to an existing user, or creating a new user.



This is the username this user will enter to log into OnTakt. It is not case-sensitive and must be unique for each user.


This is the password this user will enter to log into OnTakt. It is case-sensitive.


Users must be marked active to be able to log in. If user accounts are no longer needed, they can be marked inactive to prevent them from logging in while keeping their contributions stored in OnTakt (maintenance entries, notes, kudos, etc.)

Access level

This setting will not be shown if you are editing your own user account.

The following table shows the permissions associated with each profile.

Administrator Planner Shop Team Auditor
Alerts (Certain alert-dependent actions may not be available to all users)
View alerts
Perform system check
Dismiss alerts
Clear all alerts
View/chart machines
Modify basic machine options
Submit machine state updates
Create machines
Modify machine system options
View/chart programs and processes
Perform process changeovers
Edit/delete programs and processes
View tools
View tool assignments
Replace tools
Create tools
Edit tools
Delete tools
Add tools to tool assemblies
Assign tool assemblies to processes
View/chart parts
Edit parts
Delete parts
Edit or delete parts in bulk
Edit events
Delete events
View/chart AutoComp data
Generate reports
Modify options
Change passwords
View plugin logs
Install and uninstall plugins

Kudos emoji

This is the emoji that will be displayed when this user gives kudos to another user's notes.


Default page

Requires OnTakt Frontend version 1.6.0+

By default, OnTakt will open the Machines page after logging in, but this can be changed per user account from the user menu at the top right -> User settings -> Preferences -> Default page.

Alarm indicator flash time

Requires OnTakt Frontend version 2.1.4+

When a machine reports an alarm, the alarm icon at the top right of the machine card will flash for a while to draw attention to it. This setting controls how long the indicator flashes for this user. If zero, the indicator will appear without flashing at all. If empty, the indicator will flash forever.

Show display variables on machine cards

Requires OnTakt Frontend version 2.1.4+

Processes can elect a common variable to be displayed in the right colored section of machine cards when active. If this setting is disabled, this user will not see these variables displayed.

Presentation mode

Requires OnTakt Frontend version 2.3.15+

Presentation mode suppresses automatic popups that might interfere with a kiosk or sign display, such as the release notes dialog that appears after loading a new version or the refresh prompt that appears when OnTakt has been open for a long time.

Presentation mode can be enabled for a single user account from the user menu at the top right -> User settings -> Preferences -> Presentation mode.

Screenshare mode

Requires OnTakt Frontend version 2.3.23+

Screenshare mode (previously called demo mode) displays fake program and process names from a preset list in place of the real names to avoid revealing properietary shop information when demonstrating OnTakt to visitors or screensharing/recording publicly.

To toggle it, hold the alt key and press d or use the switch in User settings -> Preferences.

When active, the user icon at the top right is replaced with a screen cast icon:

Demo mode indicator.png

Screenshare mode is applied to the current browser. It will persist across logouts/logins (even by different users) and browser restarts, but it will not apply to other browsers (even logged into the same OnTakt user account).

Enabling screenshare mode also disables certain actions that require displaying the actual name, including (but not limited to)

  • Viewing program or process audit logs
  • Archiving programs or processes
  • Deleting programs or processes
  • Duplicating processes

API keys

Each user can create as many API keys to access OnTakt programmatically as they want.

API keys have the same permissions as the user who created them, and if a user's access level changes after creating an API key, it will have the new access level as well.

Deleting an API key will immediately and permanently prevent it from issuing further API requests OnTakt. Existing WebSocket connections will not be terminated, but cannot be reestablished once closed.

The Last command column of the API keys table indicates when that API key was last used to make a change to the OnTakt database. Read-only API calls will not update it.

Developer mode

Users who enable developer mode will see an ID field when editing objects (machines, tools, etc.), and have an ID column available in customizable tables. This ID uniquely identifies the object in OnTakt and can be used to modify it with the API.

Developer mode is just a shortcut for finding object IDs and does not need to be enabled to use the API.