MiConnect: Log Storage

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The log storage settings determine how logged data is automatically deleted over time. The following settings are available on the Log Storage page:

Log Storage

The following settings determine how Tool Connect manages logged data:

  • Create new log on system startup: When enabled, Tool Connect creates a new system log every time the system is started. Otherwise Tool Connect continues to amend the current log.
  • Maximum Log Entries: The maximum number of log entries an individual log can have before a new log is created.
  • Maximum Log Age: The number of days a log can be open before a new log is created
  • Days to store: The number of days a log can be stored. Any logs older than the value set in this field are deleted daily
  • Logs to Store: Number of total logs stored. Oldest log is deleted each time a new log is added.
Log Storage - Log Storage

Note: Inputting a "0" in any of these fields disables the behavior of the log storage settings.

Audit Log

The Audit log settings determine the storage behavior of system audit logs. The following settings determine how Tool Connect manages system audit log data:

  • Enable System Audit Log: Enables system audit logging allowing Tool Connect to store a history of system audits.
  • Audit Log History Size: The number of days of system audits to keep in the database.
  • Daily Reporting Directory: The path to the directory where auto-generated daily reports are stored, if enabled.
Log Storage - Audit Log

Note: Inputting a "0" in any of these fields disables the behavior of the System Audit log storage settings.